
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Where'd My Time Go?

So.  Posting on a Sunday.  This blog is a lot of fun for me, I try to post very regularly, and it really gets to me when other things get in the way, like life.  This entire week has been a bust for me!  I haven't gotten anything done!  I mean, I guess I got my 10k words for the week, but it's not the 12500 that I need for NaNoWriMo.  I only posted twice!  I didn't write anything at all two days this week, and that hasn't happened in months.  Since September was the last day that I did not write a single word.  I hate it!  What a terrible feeling.  But, I am TCBing.  I had multiple tests, assignments, and miscellaneous due this week, and I got it all done.  I showed up for work all three days, on time and ready to do my job.  I was more social this week than I've been... in a while.  I was out of the house a lot, which is a rarity for me.  I guess Glendale CC has concerts on random Thursdays, and I got out of class and met a friend, and things just snowballed from there.  I also got new glasses this week and had a dentist's appointment, and I was at the midnight kickoff last Sunday night.  Very busy week.  I just need to find the time to go to a doctor and I'm set for like, six months. 

So, since there's been pretty much zero progress on anything writing related, I don't have too much to say.  Still working on Traiska, I haven't done anything with my first novel except read it, I'm thinking that either my dungeon crawl or Traiska would be a better book to offer as an e-book, but those are still a ways off.  I'll read the dungeon crawl in a couple of weeks, see how good/bad it is, maybe figure it out then.  I, myself, don't have the pull to self publish anything, but I'm pretty excited to think that my teacher might be able to help me out with that. 

Alright, I'm out.  I have other, more novel-y writing to do.  Thanks for reading, and as always, I hope everyone is safe and happy!  It's a beautiful day, enjoy it!

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